On November 1, 2018, CMS issued a 2,379 page final rule titled “Revisions to Payment Policies under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, Quality Payment Program and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2019.” While there are some interesting changes related to remote patient monitoring for chronic kidney disease patients and loosening of originating site requirements for certain behavioral health services, most notable is the new “virtual check-in” code (HCPCS code G2012). Traditionally, CMS viewed brief telephone calls as non-billable, deeming the services rendered by providers to patients on such calls to be merely ancillary and included in an office visit. Conversely, the only way to bill for the exchange was to conduct the office visit.
The stated purpose of the “virtual check-in” code is for the billing provider herself (not her clinical staff) “to assess whether the patient’s condition necessitates an office visit.” To the extent the in-person visits are rendered unnecessary by the “virtual check-in,” both CMS and the patient save money. Continue reading…