Posted by Chris Raphaely
on May 09, 2016
Pennsylvania /
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On April 17, 2016, Governor Wolf signed Act 16 of 2016, making Pennsylvania the 24th state (plus the District of Columbia) to legalize marijuana for medical use. The full text of the act is available here.
Physicians, not surprisingly, will play a vital role in making medical marijuana available to Pennsylvanians, while ensuring patient safety in the process. This is what they should know about Act 16: Continue reading…
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Tags: Act 16, AIDs, autism, cannabis, certification, chronic pain, crime, Crohn's disease, DEA, department of health, dispensary, federal law, gastrointestinal, glaucoma, governor, grower, HIV, legalize, marijuana, medical, multiple sclerosis, neurological, processor, PTSD, register, registration, seizures, smoke, state board of medicine, state board of osteopathic medicine, vapor, wolf